The new XP in Microsoft Office XP reflects a change in the way Microsofts customers should think about interacting with software. XP is short for experience. It symbolizes and introduces customers to an exciting new set of experiences uniquely enabled in Office XP. These experiences enable customers to unlock their creativity and productivity through the power of Microsoft software and the Internet. Office XP also represents an important step in delivering on the Microsoft .NET vision of empowering customers to move beyond disconnected applications, services, and devices to complete computing experiences, thus redefining the relationship between people, software, and the Internet.
Operating System
Distribution Media
Min RAM Size
User License
Software Suites
License Type
Min Hard Drive Space
245 MB
Min Hard Drive Space GB
Software Type
Min Operating System
Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition / Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows 98/ME, Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 SP4 or later